What we do

On-street outreach

On Friday nights we go out on the streets in our vehicle to offer women hot drinks, biscuits or cakes, gloves, personal attack alarms, ‘Ugly Mugs’ safety alerts, information about our drop-in, and information about the other things we offer.  We also signpost to other sources of support.


On Wednesday afternoons between 12pm and 4pm we run a drop-in at a local church where a warm lunch is available for those who would like it. Women are free to come and go as they choose and use the space in the way that best suits them.  Some might just want to sit quietly with a mug of tea and do a craft, others may want to chat and/or to pick up toiletries, clothes, safety info, etc. Our chaplain is often around if anyone wants prayer or a pastoral chat, and we also have a caseworker within Yasha who is available by appointment to sit down and explore with women how we can support them to find a way out of prostitution. To find out more contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected] 

Private appointments

If women find it difficult or uncomfortable to attend our drop-in, we can arrange a private appointment to see how we may be able to offer supportTo find out more click here contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected] 

Kintsugi groups

We recognise that a weekly drop-in doesn’t offer the level of support women often need if they’re seeking to find a way out of prostitution. For those who would value a relationship outside of the drop-in and are looking to make changes in their lives, we invite them to be part of a ‘kintsugi group’. Made up of two volunteers and the woman herself, the intention of these groups is to create a mini support structure around her. The volunteers are available to meet up once or twice a week, whether for coffee and chat, or to help with practical issues such as attending housing or medical appointments. Yasha’s caseworker can offer assistance alongside this relationship and our chaplain is also available for spiritual support. To find out more click here contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected]

Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. Fragments of a broken vessel are gathered together and mended using lacquer dusted with powdered gold. This process of repair doesn’t seek to hide the fractures but recognises, honours and incorporates them, making the vessel even more beautiful than before. The revitalised vessel becomes a symbol of strength, beauty and redemption. Kintsugi can be translated as “golden joinery”. 


Our chaplain is available to meet with women to offer prayer and pastoral care. She is often at the drop-in but is also available to meet with women at other times. To find out more contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected] 


If a woman has been a victim of crime, we want to give her every support in reporting this to the police if that’s what she wants to do. Even if the incident occurred while soliciting, an offence has taken place if consent wasn’t given for something that happened. Consent can also be withdrawn after being given initially, so if you change your mind about a sex act at any point during the process and the other person doesn’t stop, they’re committing sexual assault or rape. Specific offences also cover situations where a person has been forced or coerced into involvement in prostitution. Women can of course report directly to the police but we’re available to support you in making this report if you feel unable to do it alone. To find out more contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected]