Other ways to help


If you would like to support us in prayer we would be very glad to hear from you. There are different ways you can do this. Please click here to get in touch and find out more.

Litter picking

We are conscious that the land around the red light district bears witness to the trauma of what happens there, and we have talked to the Council about helping them with litter picking during the day in this area. This can be both a prayerful and practical exercise, and may well be something that some people feel they would like to offer. You’ll need to attend Council training and they will provide the equipment you need. Note that this is not something that should be done without the right safety equipment and training. If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact us here.


It makes a big difference when we are able to offer women food that is home-made, whether cakes and biscuits as part of our on-street outreach, or soups, bread, cakes, etc, as part of our drop-in lunch. If you have a talent for baking or catering and would like to support our outreach in this way, we’d love to hear from you. Just get in touch here.

Other ideas

If you have any other thoughts about how you could be involved or help develop Yasha, we would be glad to hear from you. We have a lot of ideas and curiosity about how we could strengthen and improve what we offer with the right people and resources. For example, you might have medical, dentistry or counselling skills, you might be trained in delivering workshops in life skills or therapeutic arts, you might have IT or social media skills, or you might have experience in advocacy, job creation, community asset transfer or any number of other areas.  We are also keen to expand our board of trustees. If you have an idea, interest or set of skills that makes you think a conversation is worth having, feel free to get in touch here.


Maybe you would like to host a coffee morning or do a sponsored run… or something else creative to raise funds for Yasha. Alternatively you may have experience in professional fundraising and be able to offer your skills to support us. We are not experts in this area and would value the involvement of those with better brains!  Either way, we’d be very glad to hear from you. Contact us here.