Becoming more aware
Prostitution tends to be one of the more hidden wounds in a community. In her book Lamentations and the Tears of the World, Kathleen O’Connor writes that “The first condition of healing is to bring the pain and suffering into view”, and it seems one place we might start is by becoming more aware.
The following are a suggested list of resources that can help with this process. If you have difficulty obtaining any of them, we may be able to lend them to you:

Paid for. My journey through prostitution – Rachel Moran
Prostitution narratives. Stories of survival in the sex trade – Caroline Norma and Melinda Tankard Reist
Girls like us – Rachel Lloyd
Low cost, high price – Theresa Cumbers with Martin Down
Prostitution, trafficking and traumatic stress – Melissa Farley
The pimping of prostitution – Julie Bindel
Pimp state – Kat Banyard
Scars across humanity: Understanding and overcoming violence against women – Elaine Storkey
Christianity and prostitution – Richard Clark
Redeeming love – Francine Rivers

I, Daniel Blake

Exit closed? Assessing the policy landscape for services seeking to support women exit prostitution –
Incarnational training framework – Kris Rocke and Joel van Dyke –

There are also a range of talks and interviews available to watch on You Tube featuring women such as Rachel Moran, Fiona Broadfoot, Melissa Farley and Ingeborg Kraus.