Kintsugi groups

Kintsugi is the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. Fragments of a broken vessel are gathered together and mended using lacquer dusted with powdered gold. The revitalised vessel becomes a symbol of strength, beauty and redemption
Maintaining regular contact through phone calls and meetings with women who would value a relationship outside of the drop-in and who are looking to make changes in their lives.
For the sake of continuity in building relationships of trust with women, we are seeking volunteers who can commit to meeting ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK at mutually agreed times. You may need plenty of availability to be able to coordinate together.
About this Role:
Meetings are between 2 volunteers and 1 woman who is committed to building a relationship with us. Volunteers are available to meet for coffee and conversation but also to offer support with practical issues such as attending court, medical appts, etc, and to offer help exploring routes out of prostitution. Where appropriate volunteers will refer needs to the caseworker who can provide targeted advocacy alongside this relationship. The chaplain is also available for spiritual care. Ongoing support will be provided.
If you would like more information about this role please contact us on 07393 916650 or e-mail us at [email protected]