Webcamming in Stoke-on-Trent

With more and more women entering the webcamming industry as a way of making money, competition has forced prices down leading to women sometimes doing increasingly degrading and dangerous acts online to maintain clients.

Hope Barden’s body was discovered by her housemate at her Staffordshire flat in 2018 after she died from asphyxiation during an online sex act. The Chief Executive of Staffordshire Women’s Aid said that her death highlighted a need for more awareness of the dangers of online prostitution. “It is a sign that women are still seen as available for objectification, and it seems to me that there is a strongly misogynistic element to men who derive pleasure from seeing women in pain, fantasy or otherwise.”

The industry is often portrayed as empowering and lucrative, but the reality is often very different. Women can find it hard to set boundaries when clients are demanding more and more degrading acts for their money, and there have also been cases of stalking and harassment linked to webcamming.

If you have anxieties about being involved in this industry and would value a safe place to talk these through, contact us on 07393 916650 or email us at [email protected]. To find out what else we do, click on ‘’What we do’ and ‘I want support’.