I want support
Local support
Call or text us on 07393 916650, or send an e-mail to [email protected] We’re only staffed part-time but we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. See What we do to find out more about the support we offer.
Phone support
If you prefer to speak to someone anonymously, Beyond The Streets offer confidential call back support by phone. Click here to find out more. Note that Beyond The Streets are based in Southampton but offer this service nationwide.
National Ugly Mugs
The National Ugly Mugs (NUM) scheme provides alerts about ‘dodgy punters’ that you can receive by text or e-mail. The service is completely free – all you need to do is register on their website to receive them directly to your device or, if you prefer, to be able to scroll through the alerts on their site. If you want to raise an alert yourself, you can do this via NUM’s site once you’ve registered, or we can help you.
They offer a range of other services, for example a number and e-mail checker that lets you screen punters by running their numbers and e-mail addresses through the alerts database.
Their website is www.uglymugs.org or you can call them on 0161 629 9861 and speak to one of their case work team to get some more information.
NUM are independent of the police. Like us, however, they will fully support you if you want to report any crimes that have been committed against you.